150 South Bradford Street - Dover, Delaware 19904
P: (302) 674-4427    E: info@compliancecanhelp.com

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CEI works with EPA during research for completing a revitalization rapid health impact assessment of a former Brownfield site.
Working with EPA to complete a rapid health impact assessment project helps community Brownfield site.

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CEI works with EPA during research for completing a revitalization rapid health impact assessment of a former Brownfield site. (06/01/2018)

Compliance Environmental in concert with the City of Dover, and Kent County, Delaware assisted the EPA’s Office of Research and Development to complete a rapid health impact assessment for revitalization planning of a vacant and formerly contaminated property in the Downtown Dover area.  The rapid health impact assessment was prepared for the Former Chesapeake Supply Brownfield site and identified property development options by providing  recommendations to be used as a roadmap for beneficial use of the property for possible food production and employment opportunities using aquaponics technology.dd release information here

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